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Version: Latest (4.50.0)


A flow is a set of components that perform predefined actions in a specific order as data travels through it. The data that travels between components we call messages.

When turned on a flow is set to an idle state, waiting for Trigger components to be triggered. When a component is triggered, the flow is considered to be running, as it is actively processing messages.

Because of the stateless nature of a flow, you need to restart the instance to stop it from further processing any messages.


You can also change any configuration at any time, even when it is actively processing messages, but beware that this might change the outcome of the flow and should not be done in a production scenario.

Flow toolbar


  • On/Off button -> Turns on/off a flow. A flow needs to be turned off in order to run it.
  • Save -> Saves changes to the flow.
  • Trigger -> Triggers all the trigger components.
  • Pause -> Pauses the flow. When a flow is paused, this button changes to a combined pause/play button to indicate it can resume the flow.
  • Stop -> Stops the flow.
  • Clear flow -> Clears/resets the flow (resets components that hold a status like the print, counter, and stack component, clears the log, and deletes the global variables).
  • Variables -> Gives access to the flow variables.
  • Console -> Opens or closes the console.
  • Undo -> Undoes changes in the flow.
  • Redo -> Redoes changes in the flow.
  • Zoom in -> Zooms in on the flow.
  • Zoom out -> Zooms out of the flow.
  • Reset zoom -> Resets the zoom to its default state.
  • Options->Straight/bezier lines -> Changes how lines are rendered.
  • Options->Snap to grid -> Snaps components to a grid.
  • Options->Grid size -> Changes the size of the grid.
  • Options->Clear -> Clears the flow.
  • Documentation -> Opens the documentation.

Flow variables

Flow variables allow you to define variables within the scope of a flow and use them within component configurations using the variable syntax (%variableName%). More information on flow variables and how they can be created can be found in the configuration section.



The console shows the log messages for the flow you are currently working on.

  • Info button -> Filters logs to only show info logs.
  • Debug button -> Filters logs to only show debug logs.
  • Warning button -> Filters logs to only show warning logs.
  • Error button -> Filters logs to only show error logs.
  • Search Bar -> Filters logs to only show logs that contain the search term in the message.
  • Trash button -> Clears the console and deletes all logs.
  • Close button -> Closes the console. The same can be achieved by clicking the console icon in the flow toolbar.
  • Hovering over the console will pause the refreshing and no new logs will be shown.
  • Clicking on a log record will open the log details window.
  • Clicking the name of the component in a log record will move the flow canvas to the component that created the record.
