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Flow Configuration

Flow configuration is done using variables. This section explains how to create them, how they work and how to use them to configure flows.

Variable scoping

Flow variables Flow variables are accessible throughout components within the same flow. If a percentage sign is part of the string and not meant to reference a variable, it can be escaped with a backslash. If a backslash in front of a percentage sign is part of the string, the backslash itself can be escaped as well.

Example of escaping characters

something%Variable%Something = somethingValueSomething

something\%Variable\%Something = something%Variable%Something

something\\\%Variable\%Something = something\%Variable%Something

something\\%Variable%Something = something\ValueSomething

Environment variables Environment variables are accessible directly from within components or through referencing them within flow variables. To reference a variable, use the variable syntax (%variableName%).

Vault variables Vault variables are accessible directly from within components, or through referencing them within flow variables. To reference a variable, use the variable syntax with the variable name prefixed with vault. (%vault.variableName%). Please refer to the Vault overview for more information.


When referencing an environment or vault variable from within a flow variable, set the value to the variable name using the variable syntax. For example, to reference the environment variable myEnvironmentVariable, set the value of the flow variable to %myEnvironmentVariable%. To reference the vault variable myVaultVariable, set the value of the flow variable to %vault.myVaultVariable%.

Scope consideration

  • Create flow variables for values that are commonly used within a flow.
  • Use environment variables for storing sensitive information.

Variable management

The image below shows the variable management window.

From this menu different configurations can be created, each one holding different variables. Only one configuration can be active at a time.

To create a new variable, select the configuration you want to modify and then click Create new.

Enter a key (the name of the variable) and the value.

Make sure to click the save button to save the variable before hitting submit.

To access an existing variable click on its key or value. The variable will expand and can be edited or deleted from here.

Using variables

To access variables from within components use the variable syntax (%variableName%).


Variables don't have any types and it is up to the component to parse them into a certain type before usage.

Example using variables

The image below shows an example of variables being used in a component configuration.

It also shows a variable being used as part of an array. To make this work, the value of the variable must contain a comma-separated list using the following syntax "value1", "value2".

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