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Version: 4.45.0


The Webhook component allows you to remotely trigger Xill4 flows using a POST request.


Relative Path

The relative path used for sending data through this webhook component.

Example: /webhook1

In this example the full path to send requests to would be http://localhost:8000/webhook1 when running Xill4 locally with localhost.

Return Query Params

Enabling this will return the query parameters of the request in the output.

Example: http://localhost:8000/webhook1?id=admin will return

"body": // Data from the request,
"query": {
"id": "admin"


The security token that needs to be used to authorize incoming requests. Must be 40 characters long.

When making a request to the webhook, the token should be present in the authorization header of the request as a Bearer token.

Example request using curl: curl --data "hello world" http://localhost:8000/path -H "Authorization: Bearer <YourToken>"



Outputs the data from the incoming request and the query parameters if enabled.

Example with return query params disabled:

"data": "Hello World"

Example with return query params enabled:

"body": {
"data": "Hello World"
"query": {
"id": "admin"