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Version: Latest (4.54.0)

Elasticsearch Indices

The Elasticsearch Indices component, allows you to talk with Elasticsearch. Requires Elasticsearch 8.4.x or higher.



Inputs | Outputs

00 0 (ilysjuw4)

As an input, this component takes any message and sends it to the method corresponding to the selected action in the drop-down menu.

On error, the default error handling applies.

  • Action: Put Template

    Use the put template API to create or update an index template or component template. An index template is a way to tell Elasticsearch how to configure an index when it is created. For data streams, the index template configures the stream’s backing indices as they are created. Templates are configured prior to index creation. When an index is created, either manually or through indexing a document, the template settings are used as a basis for creating the index. An index template can be composed of multiple component templates. To use a component template, specify it in an index template’s composed_of list. Component templates are only applied to new data streams and indices as part of a matching index template.


    name: "helloWorld",
    body: {
    index_patterns: ["hello*", "world*"],
    version: 1

  • Action: Refresh

    Use the refresh API to explicitly make all operations performed on one or more indices since the last refresh available for search. If the request targets a data stream, it refreshes the stream’s backing indices. If no index is specified it will refresh all data streams and indices in a cluster.


    index: ""