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Version: 4.53.1


The SPO API component allows you to interact with the SharePoint REST API.

Creating document sets


Inputs | Outputs

00 0 (ilynbrw2)
For using mode: Create document set & Create folder the component expects an incoming object containing the following required fields:

metadata: Object, key/value pairs to be set as metadata. Make sure they exist on the contentType that is being used.
siteUrl: String, site url (excluding documentLibrary/folders)
webUrl: String, site url (including documentLibrary/folders) listId: String, target Library GUID to create documentSets or folders in. contentType: String, contentTypeId for folder or documentSet.
listId: String, target Library GUID to create documentSets or folders in.
contentType: String, contentTypeId for folder or documentSet.

Creating list items such as document sets or folders can have different custom fields depending on the columns added for the contentTypeId.

Example: An example of different sorts of input:
"metadata" : {
"FileLeafRef": "name",
"Title": "title",
"Source" : "SharePoint",
"Price" : "1234",
"Partial_x0020_Source_x0020_Path" : "line 1 line 2 line 3",
"Source_x0020_Migration_x0020_Date" : "2023-05-21T07:47:00.000Z",
"IsFCDone" : "Yes;#No",
"Document_x0020_Purpose" : ";#/Test/Testfolder|7bc62056-fe8c-4fab-a140-125c6a4368a0;
#/Test/Document Purpose|520e01b5-0240-4f98-a1ed-72bfcb56a0b3",
"Business_x0020_Units": "3;#TEST;#1;#TEST2;#",
"Reviewed" : "1",
"Approver" : "[{'Key':'Xillio test'}, {'Key':''}]",
"ApproverSingle" : "[{'Key':''}]"
"listId": "9e30f72e-06bd-43bf-a49e-1ec73b83a983",
For using mode: Delete list item the component expects an incoming object containing the following required fields:
siteUrl: String, site url (excluding documentLibrary/folders) listId: String, target Library GUID to create documentSets or folders in. listItemId: String, listItemId of target object to delete

"listId": "9e30f72e-06bd-43bf-a49e-1ec73b83a983",