📄️ File Hasher
The File Hasher component allows you to create a hash for the contents of a file or a stream directly.
📄️ File Reader
The File Reader component reads text-based files (such as .csv-files) and it's able to parse them. The local file system or a cloud storage can be used. In order to access the local filesystem, the XILL4_WORKDIRS environment variable must be set to the path of the directory to be accessed.
📄️ File Writer
The File Writer component takes an input file (either as a string or a stream) and writes it to the path given in the input. The local file system or a cloud storage can be used. In order to access the local filesystem, the XILL4_WORKDIRS environment variable must be set to the path of the directory to be accessed.
📄️ File System Operation
The FS Operation, or File System Operation, component allows you to move, copy, delete, and rename files on the filesystem or cloud storage. It also allows you to check if a file exists. To access the local filesystem, the XILL4_WORKDIRS environment variable must be set to the path of the directories to be accessed.