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Version: 4.51.0

Merge Join

This component joins all received objects and merges them. If there are any overlapping keys, the last object that came in will be leading.

Display Settings

Specifies the number of objects that it should receive for a specific key.

Example: 2

Timeout in ms

Specifies an optional timeout in which all the objects for a specific key should be received. 0 means disabled.

Example: 0

Join key

The key it should use for joining the incoming messages.

Example: _id


Inputs | Outputs

Merge Join
0 0 0 (ilusxh62)

Force Merge Button Ignores the count or timeout and merges pending objects.

Any data in object form.

Message 1:

"_id": "12345",
"name": {
"systemName": "My system name"


Message 2:

"_id": "12345",
"name": {
"displayName": "My display name"
"description": "My Description"