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Version: 4.51.0

File Writer

The File Writer component takes an input file (either as a string or a stream) and writes it to the path given in the input. The local file system or a cloud storage can be used. In order to access the local filesystem, the XILL4_WORKDIRS environment variable must be set to the path of the directory to be accessed.

Inputs | Outputs

0 0 0 (is8xud4)

The component will look at the incoming message for the binary or payload keys. If it finds both, the binary takes priority.

Example 1:

"binary": // containing a readable stream,
"path": "C:\Migration Data\new.xlsx"


Example 2:

"payload": "examplePayload",
"type": "text", // optional, defaults to "text", can be "text" or "json"
"path": "C:\Migration Data\new.xlsx"


Example 3:

"binary": // containing a readable stream,
"path": "<cloud-storage>://Migration Data/new.xlsx"
