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Version: 4.51.0

LiveLink DB source connector

The LiveLink database connector supports LiveLink running on a MS SQL Database. Note that in 2012 OpenText acquired LiveLink and renamed it to Content Server. This connector is not compatible with the OpenText Content Server REST API. For that connector see OpenText CS source connector.


Features in this connector are implemented limited and are not fully tested but it functions as a good starting point for your own implementation.


  • Exporting content structure
  • Exporting categories (raw metadata )
  • Exporting binaries

Currently not supported:

  • Exporting versions
  • Exporting permissions (ACLs)
  • Users/groups



The Mongo connection string including the database name to connect to.


The connection string to the LiveLink database.



Specifies the page size number that is used when paginating.

Example: 100


Specifies the mapping of the provider data. The provider data of an object contains the reference to the physical file on the file system. As the provider data itself only contains a relative path, the absolute path is constructed by combining the provider data with an UNC path based on the storage provider name.

Example of provider data:


Example of provider data mapping:

"ExtShared": "\\livelink\\data"


Specifies the mapping of LiveLink subtypes to content types.

LiveLink subtypes are used to distinguish between different types of objects. For example, a subtype of 144 is a document, a subtype of 102 is a folder, etc. These types are not stored in the LiveLink database, but are hard-coded in the LiveLink client. Therefore, the subtypes are not available in the database and need to be mapped to content types.

You can edit the mapping based on your own LiveLink installation.


Specifies the origin of the document in the Content Store.

Example: LiveLink