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Version: 4.49.0-beta

File Hasher

The File Hasher component allows you to create a hash for the contents of a file or a stream directly.


Hash algorithm Selection of hash algorithms.

  • MD5
  • SHA-1
  • SHA-2 (SHA-256/SHA-512)


  • Name: Input

    • Description: The component will look on the incoming message for the binary or fullPath keys. If it finds both, the binary takes priority.

    • Example:

      "binary" // containing a readable stream,
      "fullPath": "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Downloads\\new.xlsx"


  • Name: Output

    • Description: The component will store the hash in the hash key.

    • Example:

      "binary" // containing a readable stream,
      "fullPath": "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Downloads\\new.xlsx"
      "hash": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"