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Version: 4.48.0

Environment Variables

The behavior of Xill4 can be modified by using the following system environment variables or by uncommenting the corresponding lines in the .env file located in the application's root directory.

  • XILL4_PROJECT_DIRECTORY => The project directory path. By default, it is the same directory as the executable or source directory.

  • XILL4_VAULT_PATH => The path to the vault. Default: ./vault.json. The vault is used to store sensitive data such as passwords and API keys. For more information see Vault.

  • XILL4_KEYCLOAK_DISABLED => If set to true, authentication will be disabled. Default: false.

  • XILL4_WORKDIRS => Sets the working directories in case access to the file system is needed. Directories are separated by a comma , or semicolon ;. No allowed paths are set by default. Example: D:\tool1.exe, C:\\server\\someFolder\\tool2.exe, E:\\myLittlePony\\myLittlePony.exe.

  • XILL4_EXEC_PATHS => Sets the allowed paths for the exec component. Paths are separated by a comma , or semicolon ;. No allowed paths are set by default. Example: C:\\Program Files\\7-Zip\\7z.exe, C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-7.1.1-Q16-HDRI\\magick.exe.

  • XILL4_LOG_TIME_LOCALE=> The time locale (using ISO 639-1 standard language codes) used in the flow logs. Default: en-GB.

  • XILL4_LOG_STACK_ENABLED => If set to false the stack will be omitted from the error details in the log. Default: false.

  • XILL4_LOG_REFRESH_INTERVAL => The log refresh interval in milliseconds. Default: 1000.

  • XILL4_SYSTEM_MONGO_CONNECTION => The connection string for logs. Default: mongodb://localhost:27017/xill4_system.

  • XILL4_SYSTEM_MONGO_TLS => Enable TLS for logs. Default: false.

  • XILL4_SYSTEM_MONGO_TLS_ALLOW_INVALID_CERTIFICATES => Disable validation of certificates for TLS. Default: true.

  • XILL4_SYSTEM_MONGO_TLS_CA => Path to trusted certificate authority file for TLS.

  • XILL4_TLS_ALLOW_INVALID_CERTIFICATES => Disable validation of certificates for TLS. Default: false.

  • XILL4_TLS_CA => Path to trusted certificate authority file for TLS.

  • XILL4_LICENSE_KEY => Mandatory. A valid Xill4 license key.

  • XILL4_HOST_NAME => Xill4 hostname. Default: localhost.

  • XILL4_HOST_PORT => Xill4 host port. Default: 8000.

  • XILL4_ROOT_PATH => The root of the URL path at which Xill4 is available. Default: /. For example, setting this environment variable to /xill4 would make Xill4 available at http://localhost:8000/xill4 instead of http://localhost:8000.

  • XILL4_MONGO_POOL_SIZE => Optional. The MongoDB connection pool size used by Content Store-related components. Default: 20.

  • XILL4_MONGO_SERVER_SELECTION_TIMEOUT => Optional. The MongoDB server selection timeout used by Content Store-related components. Default: 30000.

  • XILL4_MONGO_CONNECT_TIMEOUT => Optional. The MongoDB connection time out used by Content Store-related components. When using large datasets, the processing time for modifying or querying the database could be longer than the default, this will lead to server monitor timeouts. When facing these errors make sure to set this variable higher than the default. Default: 30000.

  • XILL4_RATE_LIMIT => Optional. The number of requests a unique IP address can make in an hour. Default: 250.

  • XILL4_SHOW_WARNING_ON_ERROR_CONNECTED => Optional. If set to true, a warning will be shown in the console/service logs when an error occurs in a component that has a custom error handler(s) defined. For more information see error handling Default: false.

  • XILL4_OPENAI_API_KEY => Optional. The API key for OpenAI. This enables the AI coding assistance in the code component and HTTP Request components. Note that this feature is highly experimental and might change in the future. Also beware that this requires paid API access to OpenAI. And last but not least, note that the code you write will be sent to OpenAI for processing and hence you should not use this feature for sensitive data.

  • DEBUG => Optional. If set will enable debug mode and will do more elaborate logging to the console/service logs. For more information see Debugging.