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Version: 4.47.0


The deduplicate component will look at a property-key from the incoming message. It will only send unique messages to the Output.

When a key is not present in an object an error will be sent to the Error-output, or will be logged if nothing is connected to this output.


In the configuration you must specify what the property-key is to inspect.

  • Property Key: The path of the property to inspect.
  • No Show: Whether or not to show the most frequent duplicates and their occurrence counts.
  • Limit: How many entries to show.

Property Key

A property key in its simplest form is just a single property name. For example, the property key _id will look for that field of the incoming object, resulting in the key abcd-e1fgh-i1jkl from the following object:

"_id": "abcd-e1fgh-i1jkl",
"data": "some value"

When a property is nested deeper in an object, you can append multiple keys separated by a dot (.). For example user._id. This will look recursively for the key.



Any message that is an object can be sent through, but should by design be an object that has the key defined in the Property Key.



If and only if this key is encountered for the first time, will the incoming message be sent to this output.


If a key is detected for a second time, the incoming message will be sent to this output.