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Version: 4.47.0 API

The component, allows you to talk with the

It supports the following operations:


  • Get folder information
  • List items in a folder


  • Get file information


  • Get version information (up to a maximum of 1000 versions)
  • For each previous version output the version information along with the original file


  • Download file


  • Getting file and folder custom metadata


  • Get collaboration information for a file or folder

The component uses the JWT auth mechanism. Please refer to the documentation for setting this up. Make sure to enable Perform Actions as Users. The ID of a user with sufficient privileges is needed and used for executing the API calls.

In addition, if you already know folders or files that belong to a certain user, you can access them using the Global Content Manager (GCM) scope. In this case, you can omit the Impersonation UserId.


Root folder IDs

Root folders IDs to start the folder/file listing from.

Example: 162661600318, 162661443646

Enabled features

  • Get folders, folders are included in the listing
  • Get files, files are included in the listing
  • Download files, files are downloaded


Recursion enabled

Determines if the listing is executed recursively.

Authentication configuration

A JSON configuration.

Impersonation UserId

The ID of the user to act upon. Required if not using the GCM scope.

Pagination settings

Page size

Allows you to configure the page size for the actions that return multiple items.

Rate limit

Request limit

The max amount of requests during the interval.


The interval in milliseconds in which the requests happen. Should be a multiple of 250.

Max concurrent

The maximum concurrent executions.

Connection string

A MongoDB connection string.

Example: mongodb://<username>:<password>@localhost:27017/<databaseName>

Here <databaseName> is the database used to store binaries in the Content Store.


Whether or not to use TLS in case your mongoDB requires TLS.

Allow Invalid Certificates

Checking this will disable certificate validation. Warning: specifying this option in a production environment makes your application insecure and potentially vulnerable to expired certificates and to foreign processes posing as valid client instances.

Certificate Authority File

One or more certificate authorities to trust when making a TLS connection. In order to access the local filesystem, the XILL4_WORKDIRS environment variable must be set to the path of the directory to be accessed.

Example: .\ca.pem



Can be any message for triggering scraping based on the configuration or a message triggering a specific action. To trigger a specific action the following fields are required.

Mandatory fields:

  • id the id of the object to fetch
  • action the action to execute. Can be getFile, downloadFile, getFolder, getFolderItems or getCollaborations

When the action is downloadFile the following fields are required:

"id": "123456789",
"versionInfo":{ // only applies when downloading a specific version
"id": "123456777",

For all the other actions an object with an id referring to a file or folder is required.


  • recursive Overrides the recursion setting. If not set the recursion setting is used. Can be true or false.
  • impersonationUserID Overrides the Impersonation UserId setting. If not set the Impersonation UserId setting is used.




Output objects.

If downloading files is enabled, the output for files will contain a localReference field referring to the GridFS file _id field.


Sends an output signal after an input message is completely processed.


finished: true